Friday, March 11, 2011


Recently I have been feeling greatly overwhelmed by life. I have a one-year-old daughter who thinks she is twenty-one, thinks she should be able to do anything she wants by herself, and who can somehow manage to reach even unreachable items! I am three months pregnant with our second child, and consequently low on energy and high on hormones! I live several hours away from most of my family and still manage to get caught up in typical family disfunction without being able to enjoy many of the benefits. Health issues keep my husbands family in turmoil and us busy trying to help fill in the blanks left by those health issues. I am extremely active in the church, as is my husband, and that means about half of our free time each week is filled up with church related activities or preparation. Because of my husband's job and the degenerating morality of this country, we decided several years ago to take martial arts lessons to learn self-defense, so that fills up a couple of nights a week. Somewhere between all that, we still find time to be a family by ourselves. Writing? That almost never happens! All important, some enjoyable, but together quite a load! Occasionally, like this week, it becomes too much to handle. Then, I wake up and turn on the news. Flooding in New Jersey due to massive storms is driving thousands out of their homes. Tornadoes in various places along the east coast resulting in the same. And the biggest news item of all, thousands dead and unimaginable destruction in the Pacific due to the fifth largest earthquake ever recorded and the tsunami that followed it. Hey, what's wrong with my life again? I am alive. I have my husband and my children safe with me and need have no fear for anyone else that I care about. We have a house and a car, and money with which to provide our family's needs. I don't have to worry about how to survive an hour from now, tomorrow, next week... There is nothing wrong with my life. In fact, I have the greatest life ever!

1 comment:

  1. Great perspective. Don't forget to get rest for you and your little one. Love ya, Mrs. Cheryl
